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To Cristina
Impruver Project Management software enables users to effectively manage projects by facilitating team collaboration and task tracking. Key features include: 1. Team Assignment: Users can assign team members to specific projects or tasks, ensuring clear responsibility distribution. 2. Real-time Chat: Team members can communicate within the platform, ensuring that information is shared quickly and securely. 3. Action Items Management: Action items can be created, assigned, and updated with clear status tracking. The status can be updated across six stages: o To-Do: Pending tasks awaiting action. o Backlog: Tasks that are in queue but not prioritized. o Doing: Active tasks being worked on. o Done: Completed tasks. o Verified: Tasks that are completed and have been reviewed or verified. 4. Project Timeline & Status Tracking: A project chart visualizes progress by showing the number of tasks that are complete versus incomplete based on their timeline, helping stakeholders stay on top of deadlines and progress.
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